To file a claim, contact your insurance provider as soon as possible. Provide all necessary details about the incident, including date, time, location, and any involved parties. Your provider will ...
General Liability Insurance covers bodily injury, property damage, and advertising injury claims, while Professional Liability Insurance, also known as Errors and Omissions Insurance, covers claims related to professional mistakes or ...
Yes, you can add additional insureds to your General Liability policy. This is often required by clients or business partners to extend your policy’s coverage to them for claims arising ...
The amount of coverage you need depends on your business type, size, and the level of risk involved. Small businesses typically need at least $1 million in coverage, but higher-risk ...
General Liability Insurance does not cover professional errors, intentional acts, employee injuries, or damage to your own business property. For professional errors, you would need Professional Liability Insurance. Workers' Compensation ...
Yes, general liability covers physical risks like property damage, while professional liability covers errors in your work and professional negligence.