
Think of your trucking insurance premium on a risk meter. The more potential risk an insurance carrier views the higher the premium. Here are the major factors when a carrier determines your rate:

  • Your Drivers History: A clean driving record in any case will help you secure a much lower rate v.s a driving record which has a history of accidents, violations, and more.
  • Business Timeline: How long you’ve been in business is a huge factor to determining the premium price. In most cases, businesses with over 2 years will receive a much lower premium than businesses that have less than 2 years.
  • Cargo: What you haul in your truck and how heavy it is being hauled will impact the risk level which will change the premium.
  • Location + Operating Radius: The longer the operating distance the higher the premium will usually be. Longer distance means more risk because a driver has an increased risk of accidents, falling asleep behind the wheel, loosing focus on the road, and changing weather conditions throughout different areas.
  • Vehicle Type:  The heavier the truck, the more the premium will increase. Heavy truck means more risk in event of an accident.

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